The latest doctor, Matt Smith, recently announced his retirement from his role of The 11th Doctor on the greatly successful TV series, Doctor Who. But as that famous saying goes 'out with the old, in with the new' we can't help but ask the question WHO WILL BE THE REPLACEMENT? With it being such a huge TV series, the BBC are keen to keep info of the latest doctor a closely-guarded secret... That is, until this Sunday (4th August) at 7pm where there will be a live half-hour special presented by the lovely Zoe Ball which is due to reveal all. The show will include special guests such as the current Doctor, Matt Smith, Steven Moffat (Executive Producer), celebrity fans and actors who have previously taken on the role of The Doctor.
Although nothing has been confirmed the rumour-mill has being churning out some rather interesting names... One of which is the one-and-only OLIVIA COLEMAN. No, you did read that right. A female doctor? Why not! I'm sure feminists all over the world will love it and personally, so will I! If there was to be a female doctor, I couldn't think of anyone who would do the role more justice than 'Liv (we're on a first name basis).
Other names which have been mentioned include: Peter Capaldi, Dan Stevens and David Harewood.
See the next actor to play The Doctor revealed on BBC1 on Sunday at 7pm.
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